3 Quick and Simple Ways To Get Visible Online Today as a Coach

June 10, 2015

Hiding out is nothing new for coaches to work through. We have many unique qualities and one of them is having a strong ability to use our skills in supporting people to get what they want. We get so used to NOT being in the spotlight (because we are always putting our clients there) that we can sometimes misinterprete this within our business and hide out.

Here’s what I mean – have you ever:

  • Not shared a personal story (or) your real feelings on a topic for fear someone wouldn’t agree with you?
  • Not speak up in a group because you don’t want to rock the boat?
  • Have a program or product idea, but not create it because nobody else was talking about it (so it must not be financially viable)?
  • Not make that business video because it’s too scary to do?
  • Focused on all the “busy-ness” behind the scenes with your business (new website, another new opt-in, better systems) only to intentionally sacrifice meeting people?

Yes, hiding out is a clear form of self-sabotage.

But the good news is this is simply a learned behavior and one that we can reverse so we can step UP and be SEEN more (and therefore, connect with more awesome clients).

3 Quick and Simple Ways To Get Visible Online as a Coach Today

1) Publish a weekly online newsletter.
Not every other week. Not only once a month. Get in front of your people and connect with them weekly. Share a bit about your life and ask for them to “reply” and share with you what’s going on in their lives. Staying top of mind is paramount. To do this, you much reach their inbox regularly. Find a way to make the newsletter work for you v. thinking a particular ‘format’ has to include tons of different sections and therefore, very complicated + time consuming.

2) Join 3 online groups where your potential clients are hanging out.
Pay attention to what’s happening. What are they asking about? Where are they struggling? Answer questions. Share your knowledge. GIVE more than you were ‘taught to give away for free’. Don’t ask for the business at first. The goal here is to build your visibility habit, learn to find your voice and get your name circulating as an expert.

3) Dare to Disagree.
Rock some boats, sister. And let’s do all this within a “Safe Space” at first. YOUR Facebook Business Page or Business Group. Share your opinions. Say it like it is (with kindness, always). People are drawn to others who are strong leaders (share their true opinions) and have similar value systems (which they’ll only be able to identify if you share it!). If you don’t share what you really think, then you’ll keep attracting the ‘less-than-ideal’ clients. And we all know how energy depleting that can be…

So there you have it! Three simple steps to help you be seen more easily + attract ideal clients online.


Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs