Niche Marketing Strategies from the 2012 London Olympics

August 12, 2012

Photo: Great Britain Olympian Katherine GraingerWith the 2012 London Olympics in full swing, it’s been difficult to turn the television off. And yes, we even got up a few early mornings here (4am) to watch a friend row (Katherine Grainger of Great Britain). After 3 silver medals from the 3 previous Olympic Games, this was her year to wear gold. And she did! Not only did her rowing duo win the gold medal (see pic), but they also set an Olympic Record in their opening heat. Talk about inspiration!

Watching Katherine win and hearing story after story from her flatmate about her dedication, work-ethic and drive over the past 12 years to focus on this one golden moment, is both humbling and highly impressive.

Thinking about it, I realized there were Olympic niche marketing lessons you can use and apply to your health and wellness coaching business.

4 Olympic Niche Marketing Strategies that will allow you to have a gold medal business:

  1. Play to your strengths.

    Olympic athletes pick one sport (or one particular aspect of their sport), and master it. They don’t try to do everything. By first focusing on their talent, they can easily delineate what sport is best for them. Add in some serious passion for that specific sport and you now have a winning recipe. Playing to your strengths in business is the same thing. The more you can specialize and niche your business, the more clients you’ll attract.

  2. h4>You need a coach.Every Olympic athlete has a coach. A sports coach (just like a business coach) works strategically with your strengths to get the best out of you. An experienced coach understands what type of training (business foundation) will bring home the gold medal (fulfillment and financial freedom in your business). A business coach exists to shine a light on areas you feel ‘stuck’ (how to connect with your niche) and push you to get results (through support, accountability and strategy).
  3. Surround yourself with success.

    Olympic athletes are surrounded with other competitive athletes, coaches, professionals and people who believe in their abilities. Support comes in many forms. Olympians know that to reach the highest level in their sport, they need to get pushed, inspired and driven both by their peers and mentors. In your health coaching business this is especially true regarding your niche. When you surround yourself with colleagues who have a clearly defined niche and mentors who can pull that niche out of you – then you too can reach your highest level in your business.

  4. Consistent practice

    Often, the only difference between a novice athlete (or business start-up) and gold medal Olympian (double your health coaching income and fulfillment) is practice. Practice doesn’t make perfect, either. Practice makes permanent (business habits, mindset, standards, etc…). With niche marketing you must practice connecting with clients, talking about what you do in a compelling way and learning how to write messages that resonate with them. The more consistent and persistent you are with practicing in your business, the faster you’ll be able to create that gold medal business.

I’d like to thank Katherine Grainger and all the 2012 London Olympic athletes for providing such an inspirational example of gold medal niche marketing strategies.

What business inspiration have you learned from the Olympics? Leave a comment and let me know.

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs