You’re reading this today, right now, which tells me you there is something e,ceptional you REALLY want to do in your business, but you’re allowing something to stand in your way. Something that you’re claiming prevents you from taking the ne,t LEAP in your business journey.
So you sit back, rationalize your blockages of fear, doubt or worry by telling yourself not to fret – ‘someday’ what you really want from your business will happen. ‘Someday’ you’ll get all that e,tra education you need, or have the perfect website. ‘Someday’ you’ll have your branding perfect and elevator speech down so you can network effectively. ‘Someday.’
All of a sudden, ‘someday’ becomes a deep seeded belief of yours and subconscious mantra which creates significant lack in your business. Lack of clients, lack of income and serious lack of fun.
Sound familiar?
If so, you may be suffering from what I call the “Someday Syndrome”.
Look. There are 365 days in a year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 7 days per week. And of all those 7 days, not one of them is called “Someday.”
We all get the same amount of days. The same amount of time.
The only difference between those solopreneur women who are successful and those that are struggling is that they have made their ‘someday’ into ‘today’.
Today is the only thing you know for sure. Right now is what you have access to and what you are in control of. If you want something from your business, then do it. Make it happen.
Not sure ‘how’ to make it happen? First, you must want it. Sounds funny, I know, but you really have to want the outcome in the first place and ALL that comes with making it happen. Second, you need to believe it’s possible. Really connect how you’ll FEEL when you achieve your success. Feelings are what anchor your subconscious into action. Third, brainstorm ways to make it happen. Finally, schedule time in your calendar everyday to move your action forward. And then everyday, keep moving forward with consistent action.
Consistent action is what will bring make your BIG vision a reality and what will ultimately make today your ‘someday.’
If you’re looking for a way to organize your ‘somedays’ check out this app and let me know what you think: