Redefining Superwoman

April 28, 2012

Image: SuperwomanYou know her when you see her. She has a successful business as a solopreneur, is very involved in her community, and is the first person people think of when they need help. Her house is gorgeous and spotless. She always looks sharp wearing expensive clothes, trendy shoes and has impeccable hair and makeup. She and her husband socialize often and are also very gracious hosts. She packs lunch every morning for her kids, her husband and herself and also makes a locally grown 3 course meal every night. She sends cards to everyone she knows for their special occasions and volunteers at the local soup kitchen. She works out everyday and has endless energy.

Who is this woman? She’s Superwoman and I’m here to tell you, she’s a figment of your imagination.

Societal pressures are everywhere for women to be all things to everybody all the time. And as a high-achieving woman it’s no wonder why we wouldn’t want to do all these things. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be known as “superwoman” when the definition carries a certain cultural cache to it. I know I love that title, I just loathe the definition.

Look, I know you’re capable of doing everything on that endless ‘to do’ list. In fact, I bet there are few people that could do each task as effective as you. But just because you can do everything doesn’t mean you need to do them. Nope. What you need to do is simply make sure everything gets done and possibly re-evaluate that list of yours all together.

More importantly, you need to put self-care on that to-list as the high priority. After all, how can you be Superwoman if you’re left feeling unfulfilled, exhausted, and overwhelmed? Simple. You just can’t.

So today I’m asking all solopreneur women to help me take back what it really means to be superwoman. To redefine it in a way that truly reflects our greatest strengths and in doing so, rise up as the powerful leaders we are.

Time to say byebye to perfection, going it alone and being all things to everyone. And hello good enough, just making sure it gets done even though I’m not doing it, asking for help and being true to yourself and your needs first.

The reality of being Superwoman is much more fulfilling than the fictional ideal. Because in reality when you step into your true super powers learning how to say NO, putting your needs first, and releasing the ideal of perfection, your life and biz will truly soar.

Not sure where to start introducing the new Superwoman into your life? Here are a few tips:

  • Delete “I am doing everything”. Insert “I am doing everything to take care of myself, first.”
  • Delete “Yes”. Insert “NO” (aka: Yes for YOU). I challenge you to say NO 30 times this month. It will feel uncomfortable at first, but building that super fearless muscle will provide you a huge ROI in the long run.
  • Delete 10 items from your to-do list today. Right now. That might mean outsourcing (laundry, cleaning), delegating (dinners, packing lunches) or erasing all together (mailing cards for every occasion, volunteering, committee work). Just get them off YOUR list.

And remember sista, you are already Superwoman. It’s just time to release some of that kryptonite so you can really show the world how powerful you are!

How do you want to redefine “Superwoman” in your biz and life?

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs