Screw Balance. It’s Time For Needs and Needs Alone.

April 20, 2012
I have a 7-month old son.  He’s adorable.  He lights up my life.  And HE IS EXHAUSTING!  I knew working from home and taking care of my little man full-time would be a bit zanny, but I never knew it would be so totally insane.

Seriously, today is one of those days where I don’t know who I am let alone what I’m suppose to be doing.  Diaper changed.  Check.  Desi fed.  Check. Check.  Prepare for coaching session.  Check. Check. Check.

It’s one thing to burn the candle on both ends.  All successful solopreneurs know what that’s like.  But I have found it’s a completely other thing to not be in control of when those candles are burning or how long they’ll burn.  I guess I’m technically a little in my control of my candles if screaming can be tolerated while I work or the guilt of not engaging Desi’s development doesn’t swallow me up first.

The wellness coach in this moment tells me “you need more balance.”  Go out with your girlfriends.  Go to a fitness class.  Mediate.  Have sex.  Journal.  Sleep.  The mom in me says “screw balance.”  Right now it’s time to focus on one area and when the time is right, you can focus on the other area. Guess which advice wins every time?

The more I dive into self-care theory, the more I see “screw balance” being my new mantra.  Not because I don’t value developing all areas of my being, owning my truth or being in alignment.  I do.  I believe in self-care so strongly I am constantly educating myself and experimenting with new approaches.  I have also created my business coaching model around personal development which of course, includes discussion on self-care.

I just don’t buy into the notion of balance.  And is ‘balance’ really what I want?

The reason “screw balance” rings true for me is that it’s just so freakin’ unattainable and aiming for it leaves me overwhelmed, frustrated and quick to throw in the towel.  Can you really be in ‘perfect alignment’ with all the different areas of your being, all the time (even when S&%$ hits the fan)?  Heck no.  Nor should you expect to.

But I do believe you can always stand in your truth and allow your needs to guide you in every moment.  Honoring those needs to me, is what brings peace and fulfillment.  That’s what I really want anyway – peace and fulfillment, not balance.

Yep, I’m choosing fulfilling needs over balance.  Needs of the moment to fuel my purpose and passion!  The greatest part about this shift is my practical being sees this as attainable and fun while the high-achieving solopreneur in me sees it as challenging to keep those practical needs in line with my BIG vision needs.

Need to get blog done.  Check.   Need to grab my soon so he stops crying.  Check. Check.

What do you think?  Balance or needs?

P.S. Mom-preneurs you are my SHEroes!

Lisa Sarnowski

Lisa Sarnowski

Business Strategist & Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs