Five Niche Marketing Fears and How to Get Over Them Now

Five Niche Marketing Fears and How to Get Over Them Now

Do you find yourself offering a wide range of coaching services, products, speaking topics and price points – trying to tailor anything to everyone you meet? I definitely did this as health coach. I offered every ‘solution’ I could think of with...
Niche Marketing Strategies from the 2012 London Olympics

Niche Marketing Strategies from the 2012 London Olympics

With the 2012 London Olympics in full swing, it’s been difficult to turn the television off. And yes, we even got up a few early mornings here (4am) to watch a friend row (Katherine Grainger of Great Britain). After 3 silver medals from the 3 previous Olympic...
How To Find Your Unique Voice With Your Soapbox

How To Find Your Unique Voice With Your Soapbox

I had a restless sleep last night. Not from my 11-month-old (he’s now graciously sleeping 10.5 – 11 hours per night!) Not by the big storm that roared through. Not even by the rustling of my husband watching his iPad. I was tossing, turning, with my mind...

One Key Mistake When Trying To Attract Coaching Clients

I love coaching. My first coaching job was as a basketball coach. I did this for many moons coaching various levels at camps, specialized summer teams and even coached youth basketball abroad. If you’ve ever coached a sport you know that motivation, strategy,...

Make Today Your “Someday”

You’re reading this today, right now, which tells me you there is something e,ceptional you REALLY want to do in your business, but you’re allowing something to stand in your way. Something that you’re claiming prevents you from taking the ne,t LEAP...